Sebastian A. Cajas Ordoñez

Curriculum Vitae
March 2024

Work experience


Grants, Awards and Honors

Thesis works


For-fun open-source projects

  1. Satellite Imagery Metadata Generator:MetaDengue is a unified dataset format that combines satellite imagery and Socioeconomical and environmental metadata. (Repository)

  2. Modeling Motion Artifacts on wearable PPG signals for ambulatory heart rate monitoring. (Repository)

  3. Satellite extractor: A Dockerized API based on SentinelHub to download satellite imagery on any coordinates and fixed timestamps. Project developed in colaboration with MIT Critical Data Colombia and sponsored by SentineHub. Github Repository (HuggingFace datasets reseased here)

  4. Vector-borne-satellite-predictor: Deep learning for vector-borne diseases with satellite-imagery based on ResNet50 and Vision Transformer. (Repository)

  5. NASA Space Apps tutorials: A series of tutorials to download, integrate and apply machine learning and Deep learning to Satellite imagery. (Repository)

  6. Multi-building tracker: Multi-target building tracker for satellite images using deep learning. A system for multi-target building tracking using satellite images has been developed.(Repository)

  7. Generator & Multifunctional ozonator for the desinfection of viruses caused by COVID-19. A real-time air monitoring and purification system that allows the recording of multiple air variables through a mobile application that stores them remotely in the IBM Cloud service. The TLR5 phase design of a low-cost, portable, pre commercial ozonator equipment is also proposed as a vital device in the face of contamination caused by the COVID-19 virus in Colombia. Sponsored by IEEE Humanitarian Sights. (website) (Repository)

  8. NASA image satellite analysis + Mechanical ventilator & Mobile App/website project: Design of Mechanical Ventilator, website and Monitoring Mobile application. Project Sponsored by IEEE Humanitarian Sights (Website) (Repository) (Mobile App)

  9. Covid mutations risk dashboard: (Website)(Repository)

Seminars & blogs

Volunteering and open-source projects

Professional Organizations

Computer skills

+8 years experience with python and c++.

+5 years experience on java, SQL, typescript and shell.

+5 years working with Docker, Docker-compose and SLURM.

Focused on architecturing pipelines and real-time inference run-times (PyTorch,TensorFlow/Keras, TensorRT, Python, c++) on ML DevOps projects, in unsupervised or Self-supervised Learning applying Deep Learning to 3D Computer Vision problems.

I have experice with AWS, GCP, FASRC Harvard cluster, E2E, Microsoft Azure and private servers (University of Bordeaux (UbX), Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)).

Front/back-end experience with web/mobile development (React, Flutter, Ionic, Ruby) & Cloud experience with AWS, Firebase, IBMCloud, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, E2E, GCP)

Research Interests

- I am interested in the multiple applications of Reinforcement Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, machine learning models, and Space Sciences (Aerospace, radioastronomy, rocketry, satellite engineering). And I do research for fun and the sake of learning from amazing people around the world.

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